

About Me

Hello! I’m Juan, a passionate freelance programmer in search of exciting challenges. With a deep love for software development, I am committed to continuous learning and growth.

In addition to programming, I have a strong interest in the derivatives market and RPGs. Due to my fascination with the financial market, I started creating personal software using C++ during my university years. Later, I honed my skills and learned EasyLanguage, a more specialized language for this field. After a few years, feeling that games were becoming too similar, I began learning Blueprint to combine it with my C++ knowledge and program for Unreal. This diverse background, even for personal use, has helped me develop logical thinking and design awareness, which I believe are crucial for any developer, regardless of the domain.

Now, I have decided to take my passion to a professional level. I chose web development because it shares many challenges with my previous experiences, allowing me to pursue what I already enjoyed while delving into a robust market.

I am excited to work on challenging projects and collaborate with motivated teams. If you’re looking for a dedicated and passionate programmer, I’m here to help turn your ideas into reality.

Get in touch to discuss your needs and how I can contribute to the success of your project. Let’s embark on this journey together!